Aeronautics (design, construction, engineering, heat treatments, raw materials, machining, stamping, drones, ...)

Airport infrastructure and management (digitalization, logistics, sustainability, efficiency, etc.)

Electronics (semiconductors, sensors, power systems, control systems, etc.)

Advanced materials and treatments (aluminum alloys, composite materials, ceramics and more)

High-precision manufacturing (optical lenses and mirrors, observation instruments and systems, etc.)

Energy (advanced power systems and batteries)

Chemical industry and propulsion


Aerospace, space infrastructures and operations (satellites, sensors, connectivity, launches, stations, control...)


Data processing (equipment, components, software...)

Other products and services (positioning, navigation, connectivity, precision agriculture, environmental monitoring, data and service marketing platforms, etc.)

Other technologies: Integrating spatial data with other emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, is essential to extract deeper insights from data.